

Karl Marx saw primitive communism as the original, hunter-gatherer state of humankind from which it arose. For Marx, only after humanity was capable of producing surplus, did private property develop.最近の研究によると狩猟採集に限らず、原始共産主義が農業牧畜にも見られるから修正が必要であろう。

In the 16th century, the English writer St. Thomas More portrayed a society based on common ownership of property in his treatise Utopia, whose leaders administered it through the application of reason.モアのユートピアは共産主義にとって示唆に富む。当のマルクスもそう考えており、資本論でも引用されている。

Criticism of the idea of private property continued into the Enlightenment era of the 18th century, through such thinkers as the deeply religious Jean Jacques Rousseau. Raised a Calvinist, Rousseau was influenced by the jansenist movement within the Roman Catholic church. The jansenist movement originated from the most orthodox Roman Catholic bishops, who tried to reform the Roman Catholic church in the 17th century to stop secularization and Protestantism. One of the main jansenist aims was democratizing to stop the aristocratic corruption at the top of the church hierarchy."Utopian socialist" writers such as Robert Owen are also sometimes regarded as communists.ジャンセニスムやカルヴァン主義が共産主義を支えたという事実がここにある。ジャンセニストのパスカルも馬車の共有で知られる。元カルヴァンのゴドウィンのLibertarian communismもそうである。理神論者の共産主義や「建神論」の源流であろう。宗教共産主義でアブラハムの宗教が基本的に多いのが特筆すべきだろう。これは緑の資本論の証明であろうか。イスラム教でもzakatとribaにおいて見出されるという(損益を共有するのがイスラム金融の特徴)。しかし、英語版では僧や尼僧の生活で言えばどの宗教でも普遍的であるとされている。他にもヒンドゥー教(ブラフマンもアブラハムという説がある)、ジャイナ教、仏教とある。元々宗教自体が私有財産を供与供出したり放棄するから実に共産主義的である。18世紀のバブーフや19世紀のマルクスの世俗的共産主義まではこの宗教共産主義が主流であったのである。

The Bible indicates, that the pre-monarchic Israelite society was anarchistic:In those days there was no king in Israel; every man did that which was right in his own eyes. (Judges, 21:25); The prophet Samuel harshly criticized the Jews for trying to establish a monarchy. Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag, referring to the above-mentioned verse, believed, that the future society will be libertarian communist.
The are two clearly anti-authoritarian passages in the Talmudic tractate Pirkei Avot: Love labor, hate mastery over others, and avoid a close relationship with the government (Avot, 1:10); Be careful with the government, for they befriend a person only for their own needs. They appear to be friends when it is beneficial to them, but they do not stand by a person at the time of his distress (Avot 2:3).

Another passage in Pirkei Avot lists four possible social relationship schemes: He who says, "What's mine is mine and what's yours is yours", is the median type, though some say that this is the quality of Sodom. He who says, "What's mine is yours and what's yours is mine", is a simple (or, according to other readings, an ignorant) man. He who says, "What's mine is yours and what's yours is yours", is a pious man ("Hasid"). And he who says, "What's yours is mine, and what's mine is mine", is wicked. (Avot, 5:10). According to Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag, consistent application of this ethical rule by all members of the society leads to voluntary communism.

Some believe that early communist-like utopias also existed outside of Europe, in Native American society, and other pre-Colonialism societies in the Western Hemisphere. Almost every member of a tribe had his or her own contribution to society, and land and natural resources would often be shared peacefully among the tribe. Some such tribes in North America and South America still existed well into the twentieth century.確かにそういう傾向がある。マルクス・エンゲルスのモデルの歴史主義の側面からであろう。ポストコロニアル理論や被圧迫民族解放理論に関係するからである。母権論や氏族制(母系制)への研究も続けるべきであろう。