

矢野徹 訳
1976 早川書房

私の好きなロバート A. ハインラインの名作。アメリカ革命、ロシア革命、メキシコ革命が関係していて、モルゲンシュタイン、クラウゼヴィッツ、マキアヴェリ、ゲバラの戦略が影響している。ソ連が解体した後はロシアSF賞を受賞した。「Tovarishch」や「Pravda」などと旧ソ連・ロシア語の慣用句や文法が多く見れる。リバタリアンのハインラインも革命に興味があったってことか。

He supported himself at several occupations, including real estate and silver mining, but for some years found money in short supply. Heinlein was active in Upton Sinclair's socialist End Poverty in California movement in the early 1930s. When Sinclair gained the Democratic nomination for governor of California in 1934, Heinlein worked actively in the unsuccessful campaign. Heinlein himself ran for the California State Assembly in 1938, but was unsuccessful. In later years, Heinlein kept his socialist past secret, writing about his political experiences coyly, and usually under the veil of fictionalization. In 1954, he wrote, "...many Americans ... were asserting loudly that McCarthy had created a 'reign of terror.' Are you terrified? I am not, and I have in my background much political activity well to the left of Senator McCarthy's position."http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_A._Heinlein