


There was little initial reaction to Bachofen’s theory of cultural evolution, largely because of his impenetrable literary style, but eventually, as well as furious criticism, the book inspired several generations of ethnologists, social philosophers, and even writers: Lewis Henry Morgan, Friedrich Engels, who drew on Bachofen for Origins of the Family, Private Property, and the State, Thomas Mann, Jane Ellen Harrison, who was inspired by Bachofen to devote her career to mythology, Walter Benjamin, Erich Fromm, Robert Graves, Rainer Maria Rilke, Otto Gross and opponents such as Julius Evola.

Bachofen proposed four phases of cultural evolution which absorbed each other:
1) Hetairism. A wild nomadic 'tellurian' phase, characterised by him as communistic and polyamourous. Whose dominant deity he believed to have been an earthy proto Aphrodite.
2) Das Mutterecht. A matriarchal 'lunar' phase based on agriculture, characterised by him by the emergence of chthonic Mystery Cults and Law. Whose dominant deity was an early Demeter according to Bachofen.
3) The Dionysian. A transitional phase when earlier traditions were masculinised as patriarchy began to emerge. Whose dominant deity was the original Dionysos.
4) The Apollonian. The patriarchal 'solar' phase, in which all trace of the Matriarchal and Dionysian past was eradicated and modern civilisation emerged.
While based on an imaginative interpretation of the existing archeological evidence of his time, this model tells us as much about Bachofen's own time as it does the past.
A selection of Bachofen's writings was translated as Myth, Religion and Mother Right (1967). A fuller edited English edition in several volumes is being published.
As has been noted by Joseph Campbell [Occidental Mythology] and others, Bachofen's theories stand in radical opposition to the Aryan origin theories of religion, culture and society